Ski Seasonaires - Best Ski Resorts To Live & Work for Seasonaires

Nevis Range resort

-> Scotland

12 ski lifts 566m altitude 20km of runs
Avasaxa – Dorotea resort

-> Northern Sweden (Norrland)

1 ski lifts 90m altitude <1km of runs
Hammarbybacken – Stockholm resort

-> Central Sweden

2 ski lifts 85m altitude 2km of runs
Hjortberget – Oskarshamn resort

-> South Sweden (Sydsverige)

2 ski lifts 30m altitude <1km of runs
Glencoe Mountain resort

-> Scotland

9 ski lifts 710m altitude 24km of runs
Solbergsbacken resort

-> Northern Sweden (Norrland)

3 ski lifts 220m altitude 3km of runs
Kittelfjäll resort

-> Northern Sweden (Norrland)

4 ski lifts 405m altitude 18km of runs
Bjästabacken resort

-> Northern Sweden (Norrland)

3 ski lifts 115m altitude 3km of runs
Lowther Hills resort

-> Scotland

3 ski lifts 138m altitude 2km of runs
Weardale Ski Club resort

-> England

2 ski lifts 100m altitude 1km of runs
Tärnaby resort

-> Northern Sweden (Norrland)

5 ski lifts 350m altitude 20km of runs
Hemavan resort

-> Northern Sweden (Norrland)

10 ski lifts 665m altitude 30km of runs
Kläppen resort

-> Northern Sweden (Norrland)

19 ski lifts 315m altitude 32km of runs
Skillevollen – Mo i Rana resort
2 ski lifts 276m altitude 2km of runs
Lake District Ski Club – Raise resort
1 ski lifts 107m altitude 3km of runs
Agnäsbacken resort

-> Northern Sweden (Norrland)

3 ski lifts 150m altitude 7km of runs
Ammarnäs resort

-> Northern Sweden (Norrland)

2 ski lifts 355m altitude 5km of runs
Glomfjord resort

-> Nordland

2 ski lifts 380m altitude 1km of runs
Bocksliden resort

-> Northern Sweden (Norrland)

2 ski lifts 152m altitude 3km of runs
Nalovardo resort

-> Northern Sweden (Norrland)

3 ski lifts 314m altitude 10km of runs
Pyhä resort

-> Northern Finland

9 ski lifts 280m altitude 11km of runs
Galtis – Arjeplog resort

-> Northern Sweden (Norrland)

3 ski lifts 270m altitude 7km of runs
Bygdsiljumsbacken resort

-> Northern Sweden (Norrland)

5 ski lifts 125m altitude 6km of runs
Prästberget resort

-> Northern Sweden (Norrland)

1 ski lifts 170m altitude 2km of runs
Parra resort

-> West Finland (Länsi-Suomi)

2 ski lifts 36m altitude 1km of runs
Salomonkallio resort

-> West Finland (Länsi-Suomi)

2 ski lifts 14m altitude <1km of runs
Sulitjelma Fjellandsby resort
1 ski lifts 138m altitude 7km of runs
Holtanlia resort

-> Nordland

1 ski lifts 340m altitude 5km of runs
Hiittenharju resort

-> West Finland (Länsi-Suomi)

2 ski lifts 35m altitude 1km of runs
Storklinten resort

-> Northern Sweden (Norrland)

4 ski lifts 180m altitude 7km of runs