Ski Seasonaires - Best Ski Resorts To Live & Work for Seasonaires

Witów resort

-> Lesser Poland (Województwo małopolskie)

3 ski lifts 162m altitude 2km of runs
Severák resort

-> Liberec Region (Liberecký kraj)

10 ski lifts 65m altitude 4km of runs
Horní Kouty resort

-> South Bohemian Region (Jihočeský kraj)

2 ski lifts 114m altitude 2km of runs
Batorz resort

-> Lublin (Województwo lubelskie)

3 ski lifts 50m altitude 1km of runs
Parchatka resort

-> Lublin (Województwo lubelskie)

3 ski lifts 51m altitude <1km of runs
Javorník – Jeřmanice resort

-> Liberec Region (Liberecký kraj)

2 ski lifts 130m altitude 2km of runs
Rąblów resort

-> Lublin (Województwo lubelskie)

5 ski lifts 55m altitude 1km of runs
Podstolice resort

-> Lesser Poland (Województwo małopolskie)

3 ski lifts 65m altitude 1km of runs
Špičák resort

-> Plzeň Region (Plzeňský kraj)

12 ski lifts 348m altitude 8km of runs
Nartraj – Chrzanów resort

-> Lublin (Województwo lubelskie)

6 ski lifts 59m altitude 4km of runs
Ještěd – Liberec resort

-> Liberec Region (Liberecký kraj)

10 ski lifts 460m altitude 9km of runs
Rybno resort

-> Podlaskie (Województwo podlaskie)

6 ski lifts 40m altitude 1km of runs
Zieleniec resort

-> Lower Silesia (Województwo dolnośląskie)

28 ski lifts 214m altitude 21km of runs
Monínec – Sedlec-Prčice resort

-> Central Bohemia (Střední Čechy)

4 ski lifts 200m altitude 2km of runs
Zauberberg Semmering resort

-> Lower Austria (Niederösterreich)

2 ski lifts 365m altitude 14km of runs
Mönichkirchen/​Mariensee resort

-> Lower Austria (Niederösterreich)

5 ski lifts 567m altitude 13km of runs
Stuhleck – Spital am Semmering resort

-> Styria (Steiermark)

11 ski lifts 997m altitude 26km of runs
Annaberg resort

-> Lower Austria (Niederösterreich)

5 ski lifts 404m altitude 12km of runs
Jacnia resort

-> Lublin (Województwo lubelskie)

2 ski lifts 53m altitude <1km of runs
Turmkogel – Puchenstuben resort

-> Lower Austria (Niederösterreich)

3 ski lifts 280m altitude 3km of runs
Krasnal resort

-> Silesia (Województwo śląskie)

2 ski lifts 22m altitude <1km of runs
Lausche – Waltersdorf resort

-> Saxony (Sachsen)

3 ski lifts 115m altitude 2km of runs
Hochbärneck – St. Anton an der Jeßnitz resort

-> Lower Austria (Niederösterreich)

2 ski lifts 160m altitude 5km of runs
Bobliwo resort

-> Lublin (Województwo lubelskie)

1 ski lifts 55m altitude 1km of runs
Niederalpl – Mürzsteg (Neuberg an der Mürz) resort
6 ski lifts 240m altitude 12km of runs
Bürgeralpe – Mariazell resort

-> Styria (Steiermark)

5 ski lifts 416m altitude 14km of runs
St. Jakob im Walde resort

-> Styria (Steiermark)

4 ski lifts 200m altitude 4km of runs
Viehberg – Sandl resort

-> Upper Austria (Oberösterreich)

2 ski lifts 162m altitude 3km of runs
Dunakömlöd (Paks) resort

-> Transdanubia (Dunántúl)

1 ski lifts 52m altitude 2km of runs
Hauereck – St. Kathrein am Hauenstein resort
4 ski lifts 305m altitude 4km of runs